New Jersey Burn Injury Lawyer

Burn injuries are not always caused by fire. Heat, cold, electricity, chemicals, friction, or radiation can all be causes of a burn injury. Most burns are due to heat from hot liquids, solids, or fire. However, vehicle crash fires, contact with electricity, scalding liquids, or hot objects such as home radiators can also cause severe burn injuries.

Burn injuries are divided into four categories: First Degree Burns, Second Degree Burns, Third Degree Burns and Fourth Degree Burns.

First Degree Burns

First Degree burns are the least severe. They seldom leave scars. A victim can sustain a first degree burn though contact with hot water or flame, a minor sunburn, or hot metal. First degree burns are painful but do not cause nerve damage. Hospitalization is rare.

Second Degree Burns

A Second Degree is one in which the burn infiltrates the second layer of skin. Scars are possible. Hospitalization is sometimes necessary to treat a second-degree burn. In New Jersey, many victims are treated at The Burn Center at Saint Barnabas in Livingston.

Third Degree Burns

Three Degree burns are very severe. The burn travels through all three layers of skin. It is possible for a burn victim to survive a third-degree burn. Hospitalization is immediately necessary.

Fourth Degree Burns

Fourth Degree Burns are the most severe. It is very difficult to survive a fourth-degree burn. Immediate hospitalization is necessary.

Burn Injury Treatment

Severely injured victims require immediate hospitalization. Afterwards, specialized care is necessary, which may include one or more skin grafts. Depending on the severity of the injury and the impact on the victim, long-term physical and psychological treatment may be required.

New Jersey Burn Injury Lawyer

The Sloan Law Firm knows the long-term financial and physical impacts faced by New Jersey burn victims and may be able to assist them with obtaining compensation. The firm handles burn injury matters in Union County, Essex County, Hudson County, Bergen County, Middlesex County, Morris County and throughout New Jersey. If you or a loved one has sustained a burn injury in New Jersey and would like a free consultation with a New Jersey Burn Injury Lawyer, call (908) 358-2938.

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Building a Strong Case for Maximum Compensation

Contact Daniel Sloan and let him start building a strong case to get you the maximum compensation you deserve for your pain and suffering.

If you were injured in a recent car, truck, bus or motorcycle accident, were hurt as the result of a slip and fall, were bitten by someone else’s dog, or sustained bodily injuries in any accident as the result of someone else’s negligence, you could be entitled to significant compensation for your losses.

Honest Assessment

For an honest assessment of your personal injury claim, it is crucial that you contact an experienced and results-driven personal injury lawyer who has your best interests in mind and can protect your legal rights. Dan Sloan has the experience and skill set to design the most effective legal strategy for your case and is determined to get you fair and just compensation for your losses. When you want a New Jersey personal injury attorney who is attentive to your case, cares about what’s best for you and works tirelessly to defend your rights, turn to Sloan Law Firm!

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